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Use ADAPTIL Calm to help your dog feel calm and relaxed during loud noises

  • May reduce fear and anxiety during loud noises
  • Proven to see results in 7 days
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Learn where to buy
  • Earn an $8 rebate on your first purchase 

Create a safe space in your home

  • Fill your dog's favorite space with comfortable blankets and bedding to ensure they feel safe and secure
  • Make your dog’s space comfortable by including their favorite toys or other distractions 

Prevent escapes

  • Secure your dog in an internal room so they cannot escape if they are scared
  • Ensure all fences are secure
  • Make sure your dog has an updated name tag on a properly fitting collar so you can quickly be reunited with your dog if it escapes
  • Update your contact information in the microchip database

Keep the "big bang" away

  • Keep your dog inside
  • Close all curtains, windows and doors
  • Turn on TV or radio to help mask the sound 

Be a friend! 

  • Try not to leave your dog alone
  • Don't punish your dog for acting out. This will only make your dog more distressed 

We recommend:

ADAPTIL Calm On-The-Go Collar

If your dog has issues with loud noises mostly at home

ADAPTIL Calm Home Diffuser

If your dog is scared of loud noises even outdoors

Tips to help your dog cope with fireworks season

It is very common for dogs to be fearful of loud noises, including fireworks and thunderstorms. While a certain degree of fear during big bangs is normal to keep dogs from danger, it becomes very stressful and unhealthy for you and your dog when this fear is extreme.

How will you know if your dog is scared by fireworks or thunder? Look at what your dog is saying to you. Look for: ears back, excessive panting, drooling, shaking, hiding, barking excessively…

So what can you do?

Knowing your dog’s triggers and the signs of fear and anxiety are important for good pet ownership.

The best way to prepare dogs for fireworks is to think like a dog. They feel scared as they are alarmed by the loud noises of the fireworks but do not understand that fireworks cannot harm them. That’s why they feel safer when they have a hiding space. You can make your dog a ‘safe haven’ or a ‘dog den’. If your dog already has a hiding place then this space can be used making it as snug and secure for your dog as possible by adding blankets or bedding.

If you are making your ‘dog den’ from scratch, try to do this a few weeks in advance so that your dog knows it is a safe place when fireworks start.

Using ADAPTIL Calm Home Diffuser or ADAPTIL Calm On-the-go Collar at least 3 days before an anticipated event will help your dog to relax and cope with the loud noises.

Any time a pet owner notices behavior changes, it’s always a good idea to schedule a veterinary appointment. Your veterinarian can offer invaluable advice, guidance and treatment options to address the behavior issues and increase the chances of successfully remedying the problems.